Sunday, June 3, 2007

A Really Simple Breakfast

Sometimes I don't want to make a recipe. I just want to eat something really simple, almost straight "from the vine." This morning's breakfast was along those lines. I halved an avocado and removed the pit. I filled the center with some store-bought (gasp!) red-pepper hummus and sprinkled it with paprika. Wah-la! Breakfast, eaten with a spoon. It was perfect!
photo by Aisling, June 3, 2007


Catherine Mary said...

Oooh...what a good idea. I like avocados and generally just eat them by themselves with a little sea salt. I never would have thought to have them for breakfast. I'm a granola and yogurt breakfaster--how dull is that?

Marcie said...

Catherine Mary, I don't know, granola sounds like a good breakfast to me! *grin* I love plain avocado also, but if it's all I'm having for a meal, I'd like to add a little protein element. Hummus adds a bit of that, and great flavor too! :)

Unknown said...

Oh, how could you go wrong with these 2 great ingredients? I do a lot with avocado, but I have never tried it with hummous! I get mine fresh from a local Middle Eastern restaurant. I will definitely be trying this!


Marcie said...

kj, I hope you enjoy this as much as I do! I have an avocado on my counter right now, but sadly no hummus (or hummus ingredients.) Thank you for stopping by. I need to update this blog, and you've reminded me by commenting! :)