Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fresh Strawberry Pie

Local strawberries are available at the farm market now, so on Sunday, I made a strawberry pie as part of our Father's Day dinner. The pie crust recipe is based on one I clipped from a magazine years ago, and the pie filling is based on one in the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook I received almost 20 years ago as a bridal shower gift. I have doubled the amount of strawberry glaze the cookbook calls for, because I slice the strawberries rather than use them whole. The recipe which follows, is the way I make it.

You will need about 6 cups (1 and a half quarts) of fresh strawberries altogether - and more to nibble on while you work. Better get at least two quarts! *grin*

Pie Crust
1/4 cup shortening (I use Smart Balance Non-Hydrogenated Shortening)
1 cup flour
2 to 3 Tablespoons cold water

Cut the shortening into the flour, using a pasty cutter or the whisk blade of a mixer. Add cold water until dough forms. Roll out on floured surface and transfer to pie dish. Pierce with a fork. Bake until lightly golden (maybe 15 minutes - keep your eye on it!)

Strawberry Glaze
2 cups fresh strawberries
2 cups water
1 and 1/2 cups sugar
6 Tablespoons Cornstarch

Place strawberries and water in pan. Smash berries into small pieces (with potato masher.) Bring to boil, then turn down and simmer 2 minutes. Strain, retaining juice and discarding berry "pulp." Place sugar and cornstarch in pan, and whisk in strained juice. Simmer over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened and translucent.

Assembling the Pie
Slice about 4 cups of strawberries, then layer in the cooled, precooked crust, alternating with glaze. I start with a layer of glaze in the bottom of the crust, then lay in a single layer of strawberry slices, then pour on a layer of glaze, more strawberries, etc. Make the top layer as pretty as possible, saving some large, nicely formed slices for this layer. Chill about 3 to 6 hours before serving.

photos by Haiku, June 17, 2007


Robbin said...

Well great, missy, now I have to go and make a strawberry pie! That is beautiful!

Marcie said...

Robbin, lol! Now we're even. I am just waiting to see a sign that announced "fresh local blueberries!" My new shrubs will take a few years to start producing, but in the meantime I am eager to try the pie you made. It sounds so good!

Michele said...

This looks delicious! Strawberry is my Mom's favorite pie, I just might have to make one for her birthday! Lovely pictures, too, Aisling. :)

Marcie said...

Thank you, Rapunzel! Haiku took these pretty photos! :)