Tuesday, April 3, 2007

In my pantry...

I love to keep certain items on hand in my pantry. I don't buy a whole lot of prepared foods, preferring to make things from scratch and know exactly what is in the food I am feeding my family. Despite that, there are a few favorite items I always have on hand, and a few "luxury" items that I wish I could always have on hand. From time to time I will feature one of those items here, so that the products I enjoy will benefit from positive word-of-mouth advertising.

Haiku and I spend most Saturday nights at a local coffee house for an open-mike night. Mostly we are observers, but we have each performed a time or two! Several weeks ago, I purchased a tea that became an instant favorite. The lovely brew, known as Throat Comfort, was produced by Yogi Tea. I had so much fun exploring their website the other day, and have a free sample of three different teas headed my way soon.

Throat Comfort Tea is a sweet soothing blend of organic herbs, including Licorice Root, Fennel Seed, Cherry and Cinnamon Bark, Orange Peel, Slippery Elm Bark, Cardamom, Ginger, Mullein Leaf, Black Pepper and Clove Bud.

photo by Haiku, April 6, 2007

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